HERVs & Disease
First International Workshop on Human Endogenous
Retroviruses and Diseases
Organizing committee
Hervé Perron – GeNeuro Innovation, Lyon-France
Patrice Marche – INSERM and Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble-France
François Curtin – GeNeuro, Geneva-Switzerland
Jean-Louis Touraine – University of Lyon-France
Tuesday 26th may 2015
8h00-8h30 : Welcome of the participants and coffee
Opening of the Session and Introduction
Chairpersons : Hervé Perron & Jean-Louis Touraine
Introductory Presentation
8h45-9h30 Cedric Feschotte – Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, USA
Of Good and Evil : Biological Impact of Endogenous Retroviruses and Other Invasive Genetic Elements
Neurological Diseases and HERVs
Chairpersons : Avindra Nath & Guilherme Sciascia do Olival
9h30-10h00 Avindra Nath- NIH, NINDS, Bethesda, USA
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and HERV-K
10h00-10h30 Alain Créange- University Hospital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathies and HERV-W
10h30-10h45 Coffee Break
10h45-11h15 Mario Clerici- University of Milan, Italy
Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Should HERVs be studied in this context?
11h15-11h45 Hervé Perron- Geneuro-Innovation, Lyon, France
Multiple Sclerosis and HERVs
12h00-13h30 Lunch Break
13h30-14h00 Patrick Küry- University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Remyelination impairment and HERV-W in Multiple Sclerosis
14h00-14h30 Jack van Horssen- VU-University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
HERV-W Env and Gag immunohistology in cohorts of MS and control brains
14h30-15h00 John Kriesel – University of Utah, USA
HERV RNA in MS brain
15h00-15h30 Ranjan Dutta & David Kremer – Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
HERVs in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
15h30-16h00 Antonina Dolei- University of Sassari, Italy
Interplay between EBV and HERV-W in Multiple Sclerosis
16h00-16h15 Coffee Break
16h15-16h45 Camila Romano or Guilherme Sciascia do Olival – University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
HERV-W/MRSV envelope transcripts detection in blood of multiple sclerosis patients after Natalizumab treatment
16h45-17h15 Alexander Emmer & Malte Kornhuber – Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
HERV superantigen mediated encephalitis
17h15-17h45 Raphaël Faucard & Alexandra Madeira – GeNeuro Innovation, France, University of Bern
Pharmacokinetics of HERV-W Env interaction with Toll-like receptor 4 and its inhibition by neutralizing antibodies
17h45-18h15 François Curtin & Alois Lang- GeNeuro, Geneva, Switzerland; University of Bern
GNbAC1, a humanized IgG4 antibody neutralizing HERV-W Envelope protein; pre-clinical development and Results from Phase I/IIa clinical trials in Healthy volunteers and in MS patients
18h15-18h45 General discussion
18h45-19h00 Conclusions and end of the session
Wednesday 27th may 2015
8h00-8h30 : Welcome of the participants and coffee
Introductory Presentation
Chairpersons : Hervé Perron & to be confirmed
8h45-9h30 F. Arnaud, B. Viginier, A. Armezzani, C. Terzian and M. Palmarini – University of Lyon, France
and MRC-Center for Virus Research, Glasgow-UK
“Friendly viruses”: antiviral activities of ERVs against the oncogenic Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus,
the etiologic agent responsible for ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma in sheep
Neuropsychiatric Diseases and HERVs
Chairpersons : to be confirmed
9h30-10h00 Hakan Karlsson – Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Title expected
10h00-10h30 Marion Leboyer & Ryad Tamouza – FondaMental, INSERM & University of Créteil, France
Inflammatory psychoses and HERV-W
10h30-10h45 Coffee Break
10h45-11h15 Hervé Perron – Geneuro-Innovation, Lyon, France
HERV-W env Transgenic mouse model for neurobehavioral pre-clinical studies in Schizophrenia
11h05-11h35 Laurent Groc – University of Bordeaux, France
Molecular imaging and specific neuronoglial reactivity to HERV-W Envelope
11h35-11h55 Edouard Kouassi – University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The Canadian «signature bank» of biological materials, clinical and psychosocial data as a tool for the study
of the role of HERV-W in mental disorders
12h00-13h30 Lunch Break
Diabetes, other diseases and HERVs
Chairpersons : to be confirmed
13h30-14h00 Marion Schneider – University of Ulm, Germany
HERV-W expression in immature dendritic cells from type 2 diabetes
14h00-14h30 Julie Medina – GeNeuroInnovation, Lyon, France
HERV-W expression in pancreas biopsies from Type 1 diabetes and controls
14h30-15h00 Jacques Portoukalian – University of Lyon, France
Effects of HERV-W envelope protein on glucose-induced insulin release of insulinoma cells in vitro and
induction of Type1 diabetes-like model in humanized NOD-SCID mice
15h00-15h30 János András Mótyán – University of Debrecen, Hungary
HERV-W protease activity and gag-encoded proteins
15h30-15h45 Reiner Strick – University Clinic Erlangen, Germany
Dysregulation of ERV genes in human pituitary adenoma and glioblastoma multiforme : Possible
functional role in giant-cell glioblastoma
15h45-16h00 Coffee Break
16h00-16h30 François Mallet – BioMérieux, Hospices Civils de Lyon, France
From sketches of the HERV transcriptome landscape to the clinical evidence of HERV-H specific retroviruses expression in colorectal carcinoma
16h30-17h00 Martin Staege – Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
HERVs and Hodgkins-lymphoma
17h00-17h45 General Discussion
17h45-18h00 Conclusions and End of the meeting